March 19, 2013

Happy Anniversary!

Its been ten years since the United States launched an unprovoked invasion of Iraq. Iraq wasn't a threat to the United States or even its neighbors; so the only logical reason is George W. Bush having a personal grudge. The American people were deliberately lied to about the justification. In one such instance, according Hans Blitz (Chief UN Weapons Inspector at the time), a document alleging to show Iraqi intent to buy uranium from Niger, mentioned during a State of the Union Address, took the UN team "less than a day" to prove fake. But we all know it was bullshit; let's see what Bush spent to settle his grudge.

4,804 coalition troops were killed (of which 4,475 Americans), and over 32,000 wounded. Over 110,000 Iraqi civilians were killed (and that's low-balling it). Already over $1.6 trillion has been spent on the war. Estimates of the final bill for the United States range between $2.4 trillion to $6 trillion. And that's just in direct costs, to say nothing of the cost to families, the lost productivity and anguish from thousands dead and tens of thousands wounded, and the opportunity cost of lost benefits of anything else the money could've gone towards. The estimates are between 12.4% and 30% of where our national debt is projected to be in 10 years. Basically, people wouldn't really care so much about our debt right now had we not wasted trillions of dollars and gained nothing but dead and wounded for it. So good job America.

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