December 16, 2016

Neo-Nazis Among Us or If Adolf Hitler Flew in Today, They’d Send a Limousine Anyway

The second part of that title is from a Clash song that is increasing in relevance. Anyway, everyone’s heard of the new iteration of the illiberal right (aka fascists) that recently burst onto the scene in US politics. I’m even avoiding using their name for themselves since they seem to have all damn day to search the internet and bother anyone who mentions them or the spray-tanned asshole president who, whatever his real - probably fascist - views, they support wholeheartedly. It seems like they already have gained some level of acceptance in the media / mainstream politics, at least in the sense that they have succeeded in framing their public image and are treated like a KKK-lite.

This is possible only if one refuses to think through how they could possibly achieve their goals. They want a nation built around and for white men and no one else, where whites remain the majority and white men hold all socio-economic power indefinitely
[1]. There is no way such a future could come about with our Constitution intact. There is no way such a future could come about without the wholesale denial of our inalienable rights to vast quantities of US citizens. If they succeed, the best-case scenario may be that they make things so bad for non-whites that they leave, or it may be the unconstitutional revocation of citizenship and mass deportation. The worst-case is genocide. Otherwise, whites will become a minority in the US in about 30 years[2]. This is why they are neo-Nazis, pure and simple. It is not possible for their desired outcome for this nation to include the survival of our constitutional rights. Take them at the logical implications of their word; they mean it.

1. Ok so the outlook on that socio-economic power part changing anytime soon isn’t so great even without them.

2. Or maybe they'll accept an apartheid state. Is that a better best case? 

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