February 9, 2017

The Apology Tour Finally Arrives

As has gotten a bit of media attention recently, Bill O'Reilly, one of the grumpy old white men on Fox News, asked Trump why he respects Putin despite Putin being "a killer."

Trumps (abridged) response: "What you think our country is so innocent?"

Looks like the apology tour that Republicans promised us Obama was on has finally gotten started. I predict that Republicans will be at least as outraged due to the fact that they threw a fit even though Obama never went on the apology tour (he did go on a bombing tour though, maybe the bombs said "sorry" on them). Oh wait, the president's party and skin color are different this time. Republicans will keep quite like a child that doesn't want to attract a bully's attention by standing up for others.

To expand on that, at least as far as the past half century or so, to suggest there's no effective difference between immoral actions of Russia and the US is a false equivalence that Russian propagandists love to make, as if that justifies anything[1]. I wonder how Trump got on the same page as them. This should go without saying. 
It should also go without saying that the US isn't innocent; it was founded on slavery and genocide. Foreign wars and unequal treatment under the law persists to this day. I'd like an almost entirely different president, but one who still doesn't go around acting like the US is immaculate[2]. I'd also like to keep the part where Republicans don't throw a fit when someone acknowledges historical fact (I'm asking a lot I know). People who can't admit to and apologize for wrongs are assholes, and those who can are stronger people for it.

1. Trump shares this moral relativism with them, it's ok as long as everyone's doing it. Also Russia has always treated its own people and its neighbors like shit for basically its entire recorded history. I think you could keep going back in US history and Russia would still end up outdoing the US in terms of creating misery and death. But hey, at least there's one thing Russia is better than the US at.

2. And who accepts phone calls from Taiwan's president. But not the dumb tweet storm and thoughtless ignorant comments part.

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