March 12, 2018

Baltimore Brew Publishes Names of Cops Who Are (probably) Defrauding the City

     Baltimore Brew has published a list of 60 officers with high overtime pay from FY 2012 to 2017. Given what's already known, these cops probably lied on their timesheets in order to defraud the city out of millions of taxpayer dollars. In knee jerk defenses of the city's god-awful police force, people say we need the police, the thin blue line. Well, we do not need  criminals on that wall. We need a city free of parasites. The Brew published a profile on eight of the most egregious fraudsters, who all still work for (well, not really work, are employed by) the police department.

     Also, once again, the Baltimore Sun seems to be slacking. Here's an example, for a different story, of the Sun reporting a story the Brew first broke without crediting the Brew. Baltimore Brew is a better Baltimore news source.

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