March 1, 2018

Follow up on Mayor Pugh

How did I miss the most important reason for being sick of Mayor Catherine Pugh? Namely, she supports "tough on crime" legislation that would increase prison sentences. Basically, she wants to go back in time and try an idea that did not work, and is not responsible for the vast majority of the decline in crime. What decline in crime increased incarceration was responsible for was temporary, as most incarcerated people eventually get out of jail.

This idea from 30 years ago is probably being advocated for because they are lazy, simplistic solutions that don't take a lot of effort to think up and don't have a direct up-front cost to the city, like after-school programs would.

This fresh new thinking could make Pugh a star of the Democratic party. Seriously, it'd be nice to have a mayor who didn't suck for a change.

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